trigger warning : abuse. this carrd is about abuse. ramcoa is a specific form of abuse. do not click on this carrd if descriptions of abuse are triggering to you.

we also do not support hc-did or any other weird terms maymay or anyone else made !


insight and information to others on what ramcoa is!

"What is RAMCOA?"RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse, a broad label for rare forms of precise, planned abuse used to control every detail of a victim's life and render them totally under the control of the abusers. Each term has a slightly different meaning, and while all RA and MC is OA, not all OA is RA or MC. It's best to visualize the acronym as boxes stacked ontop of one another, with MC at the very top, and OA at the bottom, encompassing everything.OA - Organized Abuse. This is a term for any and all abuse that is conducted in an organized fashion; by multiple abusers working together, to create repeated, planned abuse towards the victims in order to manipulate them into a specific goal. This is most commonly seen in churches, trafficking rings, schools, daycares, camps, and any group where several individuals in positions of power over a victim may be able to conduct abuse together.RA - Ritual Abuse. A mixture of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse aimed to control the behavior and thoughts of victims through usage of cues and conditioning. The name comes from ritualistic abuse: planned abuse performed over and over in the same or a similar way to achieve an ultimate end goal. This abuse is often (but not always) spiritual or religious in nature, and may have a hierarchy of members inside the group.MC - Mind Control. A shortened form of TBMC, standing for Torture Based Mind Control. MC is also known as programming, where victims are repeatedly tortured starting at a very young age to intentionally cause a system of dissociated parts that function perfectly to suit the abusers' needs. Triggers will be implemented to bring certain parts out at certain times and cue different behaviors. The amnesia inherent to DID will be used to the abusers advantage, and manipulated to help hide the system from itself. MC, unlike RA and OA, cannot be properly started on teens or adults, as it is reliant on the nature of DID to function.

"What are handlers?"The people who carry out programming are referred to as programmers or handlers. There are also internal programmers/handlers, which are alters put into programmed systems to keep the programming in check and running, and to automatically program new parts who split without the external handlers' knowledge.

alpha : a base program, one of the very first implemented. it trains the victim's mind to accept every order given by handlers willingly. parts with alpha programming will often have no will of their own, and very little personality outside of following : parts that are programmed to enact physical violence on others, be it other parts in the system, other members of the group, or outsiders. these parts may be trained to kill others if commanded.beta : broad term for any sexual programming (kink based parts, parts that are sexual perpetrators, parts that exist solely for sexual services, etc).zeta : programming that normalizes things like abuse, death, torture, and crime and paints them as normal or necessary, sometimes even as good things. parts that are zeta programmed may have little to no emotional reaction to distress, and may come off as cold or callous.theta : broad term for any religious programming. theta programming can be done by any religion or : programming that causes the subject to harm themselves or even commit suicide when the program is triggered. this can be for a plethora of reasons (punishment, spiritual sacrifice, sexual reasons, etc).sigma : broad term for any wilderness survival programming. parts with this are often trained to be able to live alone, away from society.eta : programming that enforces the idea that the abuse will never end, the group will always be there, the system will always remain broken, etcetera. any programming themed around the concept of never-endingness.gamma : programming that causes extreme loyalty to the group, the systems handlers, or a specific person in the group.iota : broad term for any isolation related programming. this can serve several purposes (such as parts locked up in insys wards, self isolating omega parts, parts convinced they are sick and must keep away from others to not infect them, etc).epsilon : programming that causes the victim to believe they are nonhuman. this can range from animals, to mythological or spiritual beings, to inanimate objects.callback : parts that are programmed to return back to the group / handlers when triggered, and inform them of notable things that have happened insys/in the systems general daily life.reporter : parts programmed to spy on or watch over other parts insys, and/or other members of the group and monitor their behavior, then report these back to handlers / higher ranking members of the group when triggered to.military : programming modeled after real military branches, with ranks to follow. parts are trained to operate like soldiers, and often put through strenuous physical work and terrible conditions. they are often very patriotic and are taught that everything they're doing is for the good of their country and the people in it.duality : programming that creates opposing forces within the system that battle with each other, often good and bad, black and white, dark and light, angels and demons, day and night, cold and hot, etc.flood : parts who are programmed to be stuck in an active moment of trauma, torture, and flashbacks. when this program is triggered, these parts are brought to front and "flood" the system with flashbacks and painful memories, to render them unable to function properly or think straight. a body program.nonverbal : parts who, when triggered, will lose the ability to speak or communicate verbally at all, sometimes also losing the ability to write / communicate in general. a body program.hyperverbal : the opposite of nonverbal, where parts will share everything theyre thinking of when triggered to. used by handlers as a way of making the victim self report, as well as making sure their thoughts are only of the desired things the programmers want them to be. a body program.shutdown : a program that causes the system to stop operating entirely when triggered. they will stop moving, speaking, thinking. they will freeze into place and be rendered incapable of anything until the program is up. a body program.spin : the victim is spun around very fast, several times, until this spinning motion is implemented into their inner world. there will be designated parts that will spin the system when triggered, causing nausea, racing thoughts, panic, and an inability to balance properly, as if they are being bodily spun. a body program.scramble : a program that causes the systems thoughts to become scrambled and mixed when triggered, and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to think properly. parts in the system will be designated scramblers who are brought to front to cause this feeling, and scramble may also cause rapid switching throughout the system. a body program.upside down : the victim is hung upside down for long periods of time until it is implemented into the system. the parts with this program are taught that they live in an upside down world where everything is the opposite (for example, no is yes, go is stop, red is blue, etc). they may be told that they need to tip themselves the right way around in order to think clearly again. a body program.narco : when triggered, this program causes the victim to fall asleep. this can be useful for several differen reasons (transportation, memory loss, beta, etc). a body program.sedation : a program that causes the victim to become very calm and relaxed when triggered. often implemented with the help of actual sedatives. a body program.stimulant : the opposite of sedation. the victim will become unable to rest or sleep when triggered, and will only be able to do so when the program is off. a body program.amnesia : parts with this program will forget everything they've just done, and have their memory completely wiped of recent or desired events when triggered. once forgotten, these memories become incredibly hard to re-obtain by the system. a body program.addiction : parts are programmed to be addicted to a substance (drugs or not), and experience extreme withdrawal symptoms when away from it. this addiction will be used by the group to control them, as a reward and a punishment.princess : strict femminine gender roles, parts with this program are told they are women (subject can be afab or amab) and women are meant to do the chores and the cleaning and to generally be submissive to men (usually heavy ties with beta). may be programmed to believe they are an actual princess, or a metaphorical one.prince : strict masculine gender roles, parts with this program are told they are men (subject can be afab or amab) and men are meant to be strong, not show emotion, and to be dominant over women (sometimes ties with perpetration beta). may be programmed to believe they are an actual prince, or a metaphorical one.hierarchy : broad term for any inner system hierarchies implemented with the usage of programs (military roles, epsilon related hierarchies, religious hierarchies, etc).two faced : parts with this program are told they have a good and evil side, and that the evil side of them may come out at any time to kill and hurt others or themselves. they are often threatened with this side, or told they need to do a certain thing to keep this side of them away / get rid of it. the evil side may present as a subsystem, or simply a darker side of the same part. there is often amnesia triggered between the two sides.vigilante : parts that are trained to be independent, and capable of doing everything on their own. they may be untrusting of others in their system or in general, and will refuse help whenever it's offered. they will be trained to play by their own rules, and not be afraid of hurting others or breaking the law to get what they want. these parts are often insys perpetrators, internal handlers, or anti therapy parts.era : parts that are made to believe they live in a different time period, for a broad number of reasons.clay : parts with this program are made to believe they are sculpted from clay by the handlers, and are therefore very flexible and able to do a number of tricks with their body. they are also sometimes taught that they will dry up and become brittle and hard if they stray too far from the person who sculpted them, or the riverbed they were made from (the group).mech: the parts with this program are told they do not need sleep, food, or water, and are heavily drugged and kept awake for weeks. every time they become close to passing out, they are administered food and water thru an IV whilst too drugged to realize it.kaleidoscope : a subset of spin and scramble. bright, rainbow lights are shined around the subject and spun around them very fast to disorient them and cause painful sensations in their eyes and head. this sensation is implemented into the system, and when the program is triggered, the subject will feel disoriented and unable to see or think right as if the lights were there again.spider in the web : high ranking parts in the system are assigned as "spiders", and made to guard a (literal or metaphorical) "web" in the inner world. this web often spans across a large portion of the inner world, sometimes even several layers. when triggered, the "spider" parts will travel across this "web" to grab a certain part and drag them back the center of the "web". they will then hold them there until instructed to do otherwise by handlers.routine : parts are told they have a certain task they must fulfill a certain number of times in a certain limited time period. they are told that if they fail to do this task or break their routine, very bad things (often harm to them or those close to them) will occur.lantern : lights (most often lanterns) are strung up throughout the system's inner world. certain parts will be told they have to follow these lanterns, and that the light of them will keep them safe. they will be told that if they stray from the path or wander too far into the darkness, they will suffer and die. used to hide certain parts or structures from the system, assist with duality, etc.last dawn : certain parts are brought out and taught that a doomsday date is approaching at the next dawn, and when that day comes, the world will end. when this date arrives, they are amnesia triggered and another part is brought to front and taught the same thing. used to create inner sys conflict and duality, as well as for spiritual purposes.rain : parts are told that when it rains, it will pour, the 'pour' signifying great emotion. they are either rewarded, punished, or ignored when it does rain, all at random and with no schedule. this is done to create uncertainty around the idea of rain, since storms are the weather best suited for rituals.bells of death : a part is trained to respond with violence, self destruction, and/or suicidal actions to a pattern of chimes or beeps, primarily of bells. these parts will most commonly be told that the specific pattern and/or pitch of the tone represents death or the end times.twin : two victims (either entire systems or individual parts) are heavily traumabonded and programmed together. their programs will reflect and mirror one another and they will often be forced to punish one another, reward one another, complete tasks with each other, etc.intelligence : parts trained to hold knowledge of how the system works internally, how the group works collectively, top secret information, codes and passwords, etc. anything involving high intellectual abilities the rest of the system doesn't have.go insane : when triggered, the part will feel like they are going crazy. they may hallucinate, experience flashbacks, have violent intrusive thoughts, or enter a mania-like state. may be considered a body program.betrayal : parts are taught not to believe or trust one another, as they will only betray them or lead they astray. they are punished for trying to form positive relationships with one another, and may be tortured by other parts as a demonstration of what happens if they were to trust the rest of the system.constrictor : when triggered, the victim will feel a vivid choking sensation and be unable to breathe until the program is over. often associated with imagery of snakes, and assigned constrictor alters may be epsilon programmed as snakes because of so. a body program.idol : programming that teaches the parts with it that they're famous / popular / a celebrity of some sorts, and need to do things to appease their fans, gain popularity, or keep up their reputation. their handlers may be referred to as 'directors' and they may be taught to compete with other parts for attention.innocence : the parts with this program are made to have a childish mindset, and often are little or middle parts. they are made to be oblivious or ignorant to the trauma and abuse, and may not even be aware of it at all.kappa : a program that causes a part to have extremely high pain tolerance and not flinch or react at all when injured. often implemented with the usage of drugging to naturally lower the pain threshold or eliminate it entirely. may be triggered to "reward" parts for behaving or doing something correctly.experiment : parts are treated like test subjects or literal experiments, and handlers are often dressed up as doctors or scientists. they are dehumanized and told they are nothing but a test for a certain purpose, and are easily expendable. may be used to cause parts to be afraid of medical treatment or care from doctors and hospitals.scapegoat : parts that are made to act out, cause problems on purpose, and intentionally try to get punished by the group and/or handlers. they are used as 'bad examples' for the rest of the system, and may also intentionally harm other parts insys to cause those parts to fear misbehaving, since they don't want to end up like the scapegoat parts.

a script is a media used to help map out the system's inner world, parts, and purpose for programmers, similar to how a blueprint helps map out how to build a house. not every media can be used as a script, and not every system has one. this is simply a list of ones we have seen used commonly.a 'miniscript' is a community coined term used by some to describe more simplistic, condensed scripts contained to only one layer or subsystem. miniscripts are used by some groups to implement more scripts in a victim while avoiding clashing, or to keep only certain groups of alters restricted to the purpose of that script. miniscripts are typically shorter medias such as fairytales or myths.aiw : alice in wonderland. typically split into 3 different sections : black alice, white alice, and crazy alice. ideally, a system scripted with aiw would have all three. white alice makes sure the system forgets the trauma, black alice makes the system feel like theyll be a danger to others if they remember the trauma, and crazy alice makes the system think theyre making it up or going insane if they ever remember it.woz : wizard of oz. this script is used for gamma, omega, and innocence programming most commonly. the 'yellow brick road' is often used for lantern programming, with the parts being told to follow it. they are also told to look for a place "over the rainbow" that doesn't exist, and handlers enforce obedience in order to help them achieve this promised land.narnia : DM transfemstars on discord!!! need help filling out.warrior cats : warrior cats is used as a script most often by religious groups, as starclan and the dark forest play vital parts in the scripting and are used for duality purposes. epsilon programming would be very prominent as well, as all of the main characters are cats and live in the woods untouched by humanity.historical events : especially common in military programming. several different events can be used, most commonly wars or similar events.religious texts : things like the bible, torah, quran, vedas, book of mormon, etc. used by religious groups for obvious reasons. typically only seperate parts of the religious texts are used for scripting, as to not make the process too complex.

organization programs are programs used by handlers to organize the alters inside of the system. they can be tied into other programs, depending on which one is used. it's also not uncommon for a system to have several organization programs in different areas of their system (for example, color and card, dice and chess, metal and jewel, etc).color : one of the most common organization programs. parts are organized by different colors of the rainbow, with each color meaning a different thing. these colors may be used to decide the part's name, appearance, or other parts of their identity. there may be specific shades that mean different things, or just a general meaning of each color.number : another very common organization program. parts are assigned numbers instead of names, and made to remember their number and permanently associate it with themselves. they may be punished for forgetting it or trying to change their name. number programming is quite common due to the infinite amount of options, and numbers may range from short, simple codes (such as 001, 02, 330, etc), to long, distinct, specific strings of information (such as 01102301741, 001-00373, azi-3302-888.11, etc).card : parts are assigned different cards from a deck, most often a standard playing card deck. the different suits will have different meanings, and the different numbers may be used as ranks, going from an ace to a king.dice : different colored die are assigned different meanings. the number of sides will further decide the meaning as well (so a d6 will likely not mean the same thing as a d12). dice is often (but not always) used alongside cards as an organization program.shape : different shapes will mean different things, with the color of the shape likely playing into the meaning as well. a grey rhombus will mean something very different opposed to a blue square, or a yellow circle, and so on.metal : different metals will be used as different ranks with seperate purposes. often, gold or platinum is placed at the top.crystal / gem / jewel : different crystals/gems/jewels whatever you wanna call them are used for different ranks or programs, with meanings usually coming from spiritual associations with that stone.flower : different types of flowers are used to organize the parts in the system. this could be in a similar fashion to colors, with several alters being apart of the same flower, or more like numbers, with each flower being assigned to a different alter.mask : parts are given a mask that associates with their programs somehow, and forced to wear it. they are told if they ever take it off, something very bad (usually death / serious injury / inability to see or think / etc) will happen to them. these masks are used to both hide their identity, further dehumanize them, and help the handlers have more control over them. considered an organization program by some but not all.chess : parts will be split up into two sides of a chess board, and assigned different pieces. these two sides very often have duality programming with one another. there may or may not be an actual chess board inside the inner world for these parts to stand on.chemical : different elements on the periodic table are used to organize alters. often used on intelligence programmed or experiment programmed systems/parts.

"what is a side system / second system?"
side or second systems are a phenomena specific to ramcoa survivors where another system exists within the body, often without the knowledge of the main system. these systems have very heavy dissociative barriers between them and the main system and typically serve different purposes for the handlers. they are seperate from subsystems as while a subsystem is best visualized as a system within the system, side systems present as something entirely seperate. disclaimer : while side system is the more commonly used term to describe these systems, it's also a term coined by endogenics. ultimately, it's up to the individual survivor on what terms they want to use though!
"what is a system reset / epochal division?"
these terms describe a phenomena also specific to ramcoa systems in which all or most of the active parts go dormant or are moved to a side system, and new parts are brought to front to take their place. this is most commonly triggered as an anti therapy defense, but can happen through other means as well. disclaimer : in a same scenario as above, the term system reset is endo coined as well and primarily used in their spaces, whereas epochal division is the medically used terminology.
"what is a screen memory?"
screen memories are something handlers do to help hide the abuse from victims and those close to the victim, by providing false memories to explain things that otherwise would strike worry. for example, giving a child a screen memory of playing outside with friends all day to explain how they ended up with bruises everywhere, or giving them memories of taking a nap and falling asleep to explain the gaps in memory they might have.
"how many scripts can you have?"
typically, only 1-3 scripts are implemented into a system. there are, of course, exceptions to this statement, but the more scripts a system has, the more likely they are to be dysfunctional or have clashing / broken / otherwise failing programming. because of this, handlers tend to only stick to one or two, if any. ultimately, there is no set limit however, as each system and group will function differently.
"is [insert vague thing] indicative of ramcoa?"
not necessarily! is it true that ramcoa survivors are more likely to have certain phobias, behaviors, disorders, etc. but it doesn't mean we all do, or that you exhibiting such behavior means you're a survivor. there is no 'ramcoa checklist' that can accurately tell you what you've been through or not.
"i found out what ramcoa is and now i'm breaking down, please help!"
slow down. take some deep breaths. hearing about horrific torture and abuse will be triggering to just about anyone. take a break and go ground yourself. this doesn't mean you're necessarily a victim of ramcoa. if you truly suspect something might be going on, bring this up with a therapist in a safe, private area. some strangers online will not be able to help you figure out whether you're a survivor or not.
"how do i tell if i'm having false memories or not?"
ultimately, only you can know whether a memory is real or not. ramcoa is designed to seem strange, magical, or impossible from an outside perspective, and it's common for survivors to doubt memories they have. if it'd be safe for you to do, try looking for physical evidence of the things you remember going through. working through memories with the help of therapists also may help clear things up.
"can programming result in osdd1b or osdd1a instead of did?"
yes, although this isn't exactly ideal for handlers and typically occurs unintentionally / by accident. it is also worth noting that did systems can have alot of similar alters, or alot of parts with good memory between one another, and this may cause them to present somewhat like an osdd system when they aren't.
"what are randomizers?"
randomizers : parts that are unable to speak fluent or proper english, and may not know any languages at all. they mostly communicate nonverbally or thru a taught code, and have nonverbal programming. these parts are trained to retraumatize the victim by spitting out random trigger phrases from lists provided by the handlers.
"[anything else i missed]?"
feel free to dm me on discord at user transfemstars and i can try my best to help out!